15 June 2008

Sunday at the Oberon Pet Expo

The kids decided a trip to Oberon was on the cards....

In fact, they would not let me leave the kitchen until we went for a drive...

They guarded the door pretty well, so it was off to Oberon...

Just what is an Oberon, you may ask?

Oberon is not your average small rural country town. Oberon's natural beauty, altitude and climate, as well as the proximity to the world heritage listed Jenolan Caves and greater Blue Mountains national parks system makes it one of the most prettier towns in the area. (which is saying something as I feel we live in God's Country)

At 1,113m, Oberon is the highest town in the Blue Mountains region. (which makes it bloody cold). It is the perfect hub from which to explore a multitude of unique attractions, towns & villages, including Jenolan Caves and Kanangra Boyd National Park. With four distinct,idyllic seasons and the most beautiful scenery in rural NSW, a visit to the region will reward & delight. So that is exactly what we set out to do, today.

Fast facts
  • Oberon was proclaimed a village in 1863
  • Popular area for trout fishing, bushwalking and fossicking for sapphires.
  • 180 km west of Sydney, population 2,700
Why go there
  • It's the highest town in the Blue Mountains region and some 30 km from the world-renowned Jenolan Caves.
  • It's a strong rural community producing lambs, (yummy!) beef cattle (barbie anyone?) and a wide range of vegetables. (who needs veg when you can have LAMB?!)
  • It is particularly delightful in spring, when the appearance of bulbs and colourful wildflowers joyfully greet the season. But we went today in the winter cold...
The traditional owners of the land where Oberon now stands were the Wiradjuri people. Settlement commenced along the Fish River after the discovery of gold in 1823. The town was first known as Bullock Flats, but when it was proclaimed a village, it became Oberon.

Every great trip must kick off with sustenance, which is where Cafe Savannah comes in:

It was a quirky little shop with knick knacks
And bric-a-brac
And it almost made me think of Stephen King's "Needful Things"

But we just had coffee and got out safely.

So why did WE go there you might ask??!!
Why for the Oberon Pet Expo, of course!

So what exactly is a Pet Expo?
It is a place for pet freaks like us to meet other pet freaks and feel somewhat normal....

There was agility demonstrations, a dog show and of course the odd raffle or two, and the standard jumping castle and sausage sizzle happening. All of which created a fun, fairground sort of experience. But the real event, was the fly ball.

For the un-initiated, Flyball is a relay race between two teams of four dogs. Racing side by side, one dog from each team must go over four hurdles, trigger a flyball box pedal, catch (retrieve) a ball and then return over all four hurdles to the start/finish line where the next dog eagerly awaits.

After watching these kelpies, border collies and a maltese who I must admit looked out of place in the queue, but put on a real show- it was time to take volunteers. Well, Neville just had to have a go.

Let's just say that he would not be in contention for the Australian Fly Ball Association Division 5550 Championship, let alone, Division 1. But he gave it his best.

Now, after watching Sir Lame-lot have a go, I will sign off with a video clip of two of the newbies trying

1 comment:

Clicky said...

Sir Lame-a-lot? You are a terrible mother. Neville is spunkerific!!