10 June 2008

June Long Weekend

Once upon a time there was a happy little blended family of Quills who decided to explore the Bridletrack northwest of Bathurst one June Long Weekend. The Bridletrack is in the Black Gate region and stretches along the Bathurst, Hill End and Orange borders in NSW. Picture a landscape with rushing streams, thick, fragrant eucalypt forests, rolling hills and magnificent castles. (aka Jen and Scotty's new tent)This is one of the best places to walk in the world with its wild berries, roaming stock and idyllic streams and bridges. Kangaroos look at you lazily and then return to their grazing. It is an area that is rich with folklore and legend, magical in appearance and atmosphere.

Papa Quill had bought a brand new castle keep for baby Quill (Neville),

baby Quill

baby Quill(Sasha- in the toilet at the campsite)

and baby Quill (Miss Muffet.)

He and mama Quill

set to constructing the new keep. It turned out to be a luxurious Baby Quill bed chamber.
which baby Quill Sasha kept taking herself to all weekend due to it's luxuriousness and 'special Sasha bedroom'.

After Mama and Papa Quill put baby Quills to bed, Mama and Papa Quill took themselves to their bed chamber for a nice long peaceful sleep.... that was not to be.

Mama Quill had a flat bed and found her knees and elbows resting on the ground and attempted to snuggle down under the swag to try to find some comfort. Papa Quill also had trouble with his bed and continued to grunt and toss and turn and huff and puff- he did not blow the house down on this occasion, however.

Waking up at 4:20 Sunday morning a very grumpy Mama and Papa Quill started their day. After getting a roaring fire going and a feed of bacon and eggs, the Quill family found themselves to be happy again and started to explore the friendly forest and beautiful country bush.
Later that day, as baby Quills were having tea by a roaring fire, the peaceful setting was abruptly interrupted by a herd of stampeding cattle. The stock came crashing through the castle moat and decided that the fodder inside the castle ramparts was prime and juicy and so, stayed.

Baby Quills were not terrified, but were very curious to find these great dragons in their midst. Miss Muffet, ever the protector of the Baby Quills, and being so big and tough, puffed her chest out and bossily stamped her way toward the dragon/cows to tell them to simply, "get stuffed."

She was clear in her directive and was quickly backed up by Sasha Quill who is the brave nave (?) (what is the female word for nave?) who is continued to be inspired by Joan of Ark.

Sasha/Joan of Ark Baby Quill found herself tearing up to the dragon/cows with all the menace of an injured rhino. Mama Quill was happily documenting all the baby Quills in the peaceful setting at the time of the stampede and had to throw her camera phone onto the baby Quills bed to go tearing after the Protector and Joan of Ark Baby Quills, meanwhile back at the castle ramparts, Sasha/Joan of Arc Baby Quill ran up to the dragon/cows with all the menace of an injured rhino when she realised with a stab of fear that the dragon/cows were MUCH bigger than she. And she stopped dead in her tracks.

Neville Baby Quill and Ginny Baby Quill ran over to the dragon/cows wagging their tails and happily wanted to pat the new creatures and take them home as pets. They were looking very happily and eagerly at the dragon/cows not realising that if these creatures took it to mind, they would squash little Neville and Ginny Baby Quill to smithereens.

At this point, Sasha/Joan of Ark Baby Quill and Neville and Ginny Baby Quills were all in a line at the edge of the castle ramparts looking over the moat at the dragon/cows not quite sure what to do next, when Miss Muffet Protector of all Baby Quills went zooming past the now dumbfounded 3 Baby Quills to the dragon/cows.

The dragon/cows had stopped and gave an uncertain look at these strange little Baby Quills, until, of course, Miss Muffet Protector Quill came swooping in to ambush and slay the dragon/cows.

By this time, Mama Quill could catch up with Miss Muffet Protector Quill and Sasha/Joan of Arc Quill and scoop them up and hurry back to the castle keep and throw them unceremoniously into their new bed chamber and return to a bewildered Neville Baby Quill and a bemused Ginny Baby Quill and take them back to safety.

Where, do you ask was Papa Quill? He had gone for a nana-nap in late afternoon due to the 4:20am start whilst Mama Quill prepared tea and fed the baby Quills. By the time all the baby Quills were scooped up to safety and Mama Quill's magnificent 'fight or flight' reaction settled down, she realised how very funny the situation was and she was then able to pick up her camera phone again and film the fairy tale as something that would only possibly happen in Australia.

Papa Quill rose from his slumber and put on his shoes and zipped his bedchamber open, stepped through, closed his bedchamber zipper, open the Baby Quills bedchamber zipper, stepped through, closed the Baby Quill bed chamber zipper, walked through the castle keep to open the castle keep zipper and step through and close the castle keep zipper to then be able to amble up the castle ramparts over the moat and herd the dragon/cows to another pasture.

Mama and Papa Quill then returned to a peaceful evening in the wild Australian Bush.

The following day, guess who returned to the castle ramparts!? Mama and Papa (and baby) Quills were prepared for their return and were able to maintain the peace and safety of the castle.
Shortly after, the Quills packed up and went for a drive to Hill End and Sofala to return to Bathurst after a long and exciting adventure up the Bridletrack.

The end.

1 comment:

Clicky said...

Inspired by the adventures of the Quill family and their brave and beloved little charges, Juanita and Rick are going camping this weekend. Good Lord!! Stay tuned!!!

(BTW - I almost wee'd giggling at the mental image of Sasha and Muff protecting while Nev and Ginny wandered over calmly to look at the 'big dogs.'!!!)